Wednesday, March 16, 2011



Let’s look at this story a moment. I’m smack dab in the middle of this story and am quoted several times in it. But what are the facts? I was there. I commented on the page.
“See, I'm wondering how the Gazette comes up with this headline. Over 60 people show up to support Walker, all of them either DDHS grads or Delavan residents. The other side was 17 kids and 6 adults, not one worked in Delavan schools.
This is a "Split"?!?!
How do you figure?
The reporter, Ann Marie Ames, knew this. SHE TOLD ME there were no locals from the union there. Amy Matthews acts like the Charlie Sheen of protesting: She knows not when to quit. She has no concept of how she is hugely overplaying her hand. She is influencing people but not in the direction she seems to think she is. No one wants to hear this greedy drum beat any longer, yet she just grabs a bigger stick!”

“Anyone else want to tell me how conservative The Janesville Gazette is?”
So, let me understand this. When it’s something like Conservatives 60, Liberals 20, it’s a draw. This kind of thinking is the mainstream. These protesters were like great dumb sharks, remorselessly moving toward hunks of information they can swallow, but cannot digest. The Cerebral calisthenics required to wrap ones head around the idea that public unions are immune to recessions is not just extensive, it’s brutal. Yet they rely on the old adage “If you repeat it often enough, it becomes true. I think that originated in Germany somewhere, but I digress.
When no one will carry the water for the majority, even a local paper; a paper that has seen its city devastated by union greed, then the roots run deep and are not worth eradication. But I insist it be brought into the light. I will not countenance misrepresentation of the majority on a local level.
I know this: Getting signatures on those Republican recall certificates will be nearly impossible unless the people are tricked. That’s why I’m here.
Ms. Ames, tell the truth. Tell the whole truth. Being honest is such a challenge for a journalist, and that is a big problem for the realists out here. You may believe in your heart you told the whole story. If that’s true, you need to look what’s in that heart of yours, and do some house cleaning, just like the janitors at the capital are doing these days.
Have a safe day, and don't forget to stretch.

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