Friday, September 30, 2011


John has silenced me. By having every post "Iriss" placed on his blog, he has silenced my ability to speak truth into his lies.
His deceit will be his downfall, for time and truth are on my side. All I can ask of you is to come here and freely speak what’s on your mind. John, by his request, has removed every single post I have made: Like I never was there. John has used his influence to get the staff to remove my every post.

John has won a small victory. He will not win the war. You see, God judges those who are leaders of the faith differently than followers of the faith. John, being a “Minister” and fully ordained, will be judged by a different set of rules than most others. I believe I will be blessed for standing with Israel, with what is true, with what is right and what is sacred.

I do not wish to imply I am righteous. I do not stand blameless in the cause of Christ. But I do know I have been blessed. Blessed with a talent John cannot take from me. I’ve seen my way to a day when people like John will be shown the light and will not be able to hide in the shadows any longer. John put himself out there as someone who professes to be wise and knowledgeable and educated. Yes he is…But not from the one book which holds the wisdom of the ages and the true guide to righteous living and discernment. No, John Eyster preaches hate, worldly wisdom and dark ideas. For this, he shall be judged. Forgive him Father, even if he knows what he’s doing. And thank you Father, for helping me speak out in defense of my faith and your light guides my tongue and Your Will moves me forward.

It’s not over John. I’m already back, and God has my back.  


We have John's view of Obamacare:
He thinks socialized medicine is what we should do, flying in the face of facts from around the globe that tell us socialized medicine:

  1. Is far more expensive than its supporters say it will be.
  2. Tells doctors what to do instead of doctors making diagnosis and treatment.
  3. Gives patients less options
  4. Takes away all incentives to innovate and refine medical treatment
  5. Takes away patient rights
  6. Raises healthcare costs
  7. Kills people for lack of care
And the list goes on and on and on and on.

America’s Healthcare is the best in the world because of how it works. To fundamentally change this is to stifle creativity and innovation. Let’s here from you:

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


John Eyster, blog poster for the Janesville Wisconsin Gazette web page “Gazettextra” has written three blogs telling people of the area it is time to give Palestine Statehood. Such rubbish could be expected from some run of the mill liberal poster child for terrorism, but this …man… has credentials, so to speak, which only galvanize my feelings about my state university. You see, John is a professor for UW-Waukesha. His official title is “Adjunct Professor of Political Science” which I scoff at. Why? Simple: He teaches and only professes liberal ideals and standards, which means socialism. It’s no surprise the UW system pushes a extremely liberal agenda, but this man shows how deep it goes. You see, he is also a minister. Yes a Pastor for the same denomination as the now infamous Rev. Jim Wright: The United Church of Christ. I grew up in this denomination and learned everything I need to know about liberalism from my 20 years of experience there. I have not been in a more politically left institution in my 51 plus years of existence. To have a minister of God proclaim the Palestine have the right to statehood and to stand firmly against Israel is, on it’s face, reason enough to rip the cloth and collar from this mans chest and neck. His blogs on the subject can be found here, and and here and also, here.
The first installment, or ingredient to this crap-cake concoction is right here. As you can read in the comments, many of which have been removed by the "staff" at this website, people are outraged at his blog, to the point of wanting to cause him harm, in some cases.

Those of you who wish to comment freely may now do so without fear of removal or censorship.
Feel free: What say YOU?

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Dane County Judge Maryann Sumi has stopped the state’s new collective bargaining law from taking effect by issuing a restraining order. She granted this because Dane County District Attorney Ismael Ozanne argued that lawmakers broke Wisconsin’s open meetings law. He says the two hours notice was not enough time, as the law states you should give 24hrs. notice. Attorney General Steven Means said the state will appeal the ruling, but this is not the way to do this.

The way to fix this is just vote again. Call them to the floor and vote.

Walker has other options too. He could wait, and that’s what he may do, but he could make a bold statement here and that would be my plan.

Ignore the judges ruling.

Yeah, that’s right. Ignore it. He could do this for two reasons. One would be because it’s going to become law anyway, no matter what is done here. This is just another delay tactic by liberals. The second takes a page right out of Obama’s play book. The Obama administration is ignoring a federal judges ruling on “The Paitiant Protection and Affordable Care Act” also know as Obamacare. The administration continues to force this law down the throats of the American people even though Judge Roger Vinson has ruled the law unconstitutional. When Vinson’s ruling came out, the administration dismissed it, saying it was “judicial overreaching” by a Reagan appointed judge. Vison’s ruling was the equivalent of an injunction, yet the Obama administration holds the courts ruling in contempt. Good luck with that Mr. President.

By this standard, Scott Walker could do the same. If he did, it would be really interesting, but he will stick to the legal letter of the law I’m sure because that’s what Republicans do. Liberals find the law to be only an obstacle.

Exhibit A: When asked if Obamacare was constitutional, then House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said, “Are you serious? Are you serious?” The reporter said yes. She then said, “You can put this on record: That is not a serious question.”
They (liberals) can ignore what laws they don’t like. We (conservatives) cannot.

Yeah, that’s what makes America great…  

Wednesday, March 16, 2011



Let’s look at this story a moment. I’m smack dab in the middle of this story and am quoted several times in it. But what are the facts? I was there. I commented on the page.
“See, I'm wondering how the Gazette comes up with this headline. Over 60 people show up to support Walker, all of them either DDHS grads or Delavan residents. The other side was 17 kids and 6 adults, not one worked in Delavan schools.
This is a "Split"?!?!
How do you figure?
The reporter, Ann Marie Ames, knew this. SHE TOLD ME there were no locals from the union there. Amy Matthews acts like the Charlie Sheen of protesting: She knows not when to quit. She has no concept of how she is hugely overplaying her hand. She is influencing people but not in the direction she seems to think she is. No one wants to hear this greedy drum beat any longer, yet she just grabs a bigger stick!”

“Anyone else want to tell me how conservative The Janesville Gazette is?”
So, let me understand this. When it’s something like Conservatives 60, Liberals 20, it’s a draw. This kind of thinking is the mainstream. These protesters were like great dumb sharks, remorselessly moving toward hunks of information they can swallow, but cannot digest. The Cerebral calisthenics required to wrap ones head around the idea that public unions are immune to recessions is not just extensive, it’s brutal. Yet they rely on the old adage “If you repeat it often enough, it becomes true. I think that originated in Germany somewhere, but I digress.
When no one will carry the water for the majority, even a local paper; a paper that has seen its city devastated by union greed, then the roots run deep and are not worth eradication. But I insist it be brought into the light. I will not countenance misrepresentation of the majority on a local level.
I know this: Getting signatures on those Republican recall certificates will be nearly impossible unless the people are tricked. That’s why I’m here.
Ms. Ames, tell the truth. Tell the whole truth. Being honest is such a challenge for a journalist, and that is a big problem for the realists out here. You may believe in your heart you told the whole story. If that’s true, you need to look what’s in that heart of yours, and do some house cleaning, just like the janitors at the capital are doing these days.
Have a safe day, and don't forget to stretch.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Gaz-ette has once again seen fit to drop my account.
Well, they over played their hand.
Here's a promise I'll make to myself but I'll share it with you:
I am back.
I am real.
I will be heard.
You can't stop me.
Today my friends, I am on the very pages of this paper.
                                            I OWN YOU

Saturday, March 12, 2011


I will post here as often as possible, articals which have people commenting the most from the GazetteXtra website. You may commet freely here and without censorship. If you keep the fowel language to a minimum, I will give you alturnatives to the Gazette's "staff" infection.



I realize peoplein Wisconsin are upset right now. I get it. But if you can, lets talk about it and we might find a place to agree to disagree. If you want to dump on me, then that’s your cup-o-joe and I’ll take the arrows, because I'm a pioneer. Hence this new blog. People who are decisive and believe in their principles need a forum such as this. So this is a gift to you and myself. 

Name a topic. John Eysner's blog has raised the ire of a number of people, not the least of which is me. He lacks humility, credibility and, in my opinion, is elitist. What do you think? Here's a link to his latest blog. And it's a doozie.

Have comments about the Budget or the unions? Start us out. Many will come and defend their opinion I'm sure.